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Net Income and Net Worth. Forecasts
You can find "Net Income" and "Net Worth" under the chart in the Menu section— "History" — "Income".
Net Income
Net income is the income per month minus the expenses per month.
To see net income, go to o the Menu section — "History" — "Income" and click on "Net Income" under the chart. Swipe the chart from left to right to watch the dynamics.
Click on the “Forecast” switch under the “Net Income” button to see plans of savings for the next periods.
When you click on "Forecast", two options will appear: "Consider past" and "Forecast for". Set parameters necessary to you.
Click on the Forecast switch again to remove the constructed chart of forecasts.
Net Worth
Net Worth is the saved-up Net Income.
To see the saved-up capital, go to o the Menu section — "History" — "Income" and click on " Net Worth " under the chart. Swipe the chart from left to right to watch the dynamics.
The Net Income for the next months is predicted as an arithmetic average of the full months specified by you in "Consider past", and Net Worth is accumulation of these "Net Income" on the months specified in "Forecast for".